"We pass the word around; we ponder how the case is put by different people, we read the poetry; we meditate over the literature; we play the music; we change our minds; we reach an understanding. Society evolves this way, not by shouting each other down, but by the unique capacity of unique, individual human beings to comprehend each other." - Lewis Thomas

Friday, February 5, 2010

"Sometimes we just need to hope that the flickering lamp doesn't burn out, lost and alone in the dark" - Authors note 13


Vigorous fury, the Clouds
Converge above,
Singing songs silently;
Laughing at the creatures
Consumed by unjustifiable lust;
Eager destruction of self.

Romantic fallacy,
Her voice unique
Her stature;
His eyes liquid
His hands shiver.
Fear, control, worry
An endless cycle of usage
Mindless, selfless
Lost amongst wills
And wonts, conceptual failures,
Waves or replication
Drifting away along eternity,
Her grip loosens
His memory paranoid.
Only willing once,
Single desire,

Scattered end,
Truthful theatrical finale;
Desirable yet unachievable
Constituted by their amour;
Dispersed illumination, glistening.

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