"We pass the word around; we ponder how the case is put by different people, we read the poetry; we meditate over the literature; we play the music; we change our minds; we reach an understanding. Society evolves this way, not by shouting each other down, but by the unique capacity of unique, individual human beings to comprehend each other." - Lewis Thomas

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Wonders of Loving a Shipwrecked Siren

"In the beginning life is a treasure chest of wonders, beauties and adventures...where is the turning point from this to cynicism?" - Authors note 67

The Wonders of Loving a Shipwrecked Siren
Passionate flower,
Violent moon,
Blooming blossoms,
Childish wonder,
Seabound solider.

Sky ablaze,
Timeless March,
Nameless drummer,
Unforeseen speech,
False grace.

Coldest love,
Wandering vessel,
Artistic intervention,
Musing inspiration,
Condemning constellation.

Undead poet,
Philosophical embrace,
Broken psyche,
First finale,
Shattering tears.

Lively strain,
Tasteful serenade,
The misconception,
False serenity,
Broken soul.

"One faier than my love? The all-seeing sun
Ne'er saw her match since first the world begun."


  1. potentially my favourite piece you've ever written.

  2. I want you to know, that you are the only person who can get me to read poetry in any shape and form. I don't know what it is, but your poetry captures my mind. Very nice :)

  3. Thank you both. :) I'm flattered. =]

  4. succinct yet powerful - you have a gift x


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